Thursday, October 1, 2009


I have heard from my parents that a lot of people have been asking about my safety with the earthquakes, tsunami, and weather warnings that have been going on in the Pacific Rim this week, so I thought I would update you all on the forecast.
We have felt no effects of the earthquakes and the water levels seem not to have changed. When the tsunami hit Samoa there was a Pacific-wide tsunami warning, but it was soon canceled here in Saipan. The forecast predicts that there will be a tropical depression this weekend which basically means winds above 25mph and heavy rain with a potential for some flooding. There have been some predictions that it might turn into a typhoon which are winds above 65mph, but in that case there are shelters and buildings all over the island that were built to withstand that. The apartment where I am staying and the school where I will work, as well as the new apartment I will hopefully move into soon, are all buildings that will withstand a lot. Also, my new apartment is further inland and not directly on the beach. It is really not too worrisome---the island is very small and friends say a typhoon would have to have great aim to hit our island square on to do much damage.
Thanks to everyone who has shown concern, however. I appreciate your thoughts and prayers. I will continue to keep this blog updated on the weather.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah,
    Thanks for the e-mail and blog updates. I just had a very nice visit with Jana VanDam and told her that you are very thankful for J & J's hospitality to you. I love you. Hope to skype again soon and find out how your day at the school went today. Love you! Mom
