Saturday, September 26, 2009

The time has come!

Well, I leave in the morning! Classes are done, luggage is packed, but unfortunately my head cold has not gone away. My cold suddenly hit me on Wednesday morning, but hopefully by tomorrow I will be feeling a little better. Better or not, though, I will be on that plane. At least I'm not contagious anymore.
I am so ready to go and I can hardly wait to get there. I am feeling a bit nostalgic though. After class this morning I drove around campus a little and I realized how much I will really miss Whitworth. It is a gorgeous place with all the towering pine trees dotted in between with lampposts, frisbee players, and students lunging for falling pinecones! It has been a wonderful four years in this place--it had become home. But I welcome change---Bring it on, Saipan!


  1. Dear Granddaughter Sarah! I am amazed at your
    determination and confidence of your plan to
    teach, you knew not where but it was prepared
    ahead of you that Saipan was the chosen place
    by your Heavenly Father. Tonight you are on
    your way as I write and your folks have helped
    us to get your blog. I have read your blog of
    Whitworth and realize what a blessing you have
    had to attend at that school-a rich gift in so
    many ways. We will watch for your description
    of days to come. Love you for always,
    Papa and Nana

  2. Thanks, Nana. I love you too, and will try to keep you posted.
